Sites » P94M @ P340M The Sixth Avenue Elementary School

P94M @ P340M The Sixth Avenue Elementary School

P94M @ P.S. 340


64 West 17th Street

New York, New York 10011

Telephone: 917-305-1025

Fax: 917-305-1026


School building with yellow doors


School Aide: Norma Pacheco


This building became a part of P94M in 2014. Located in Chelsea, it was once a part of the New York Foundling Hospital - which is still right next door. It's easily accessible and close to many major train lines. Union Square is within walking distance of the school. Current class ratios offered at this site include 6:1:1 and 8:1:1 - with students in Grade 3 through Grade 5.


P94M classrooms are on the 3rd Floor of this building; this is a barrier-free location.

This site has a door-locking system installed (Coming soon):

To enter the building:

  • Please ring the bell. 
  • When asked, speak into the monitor/ camera.
  • When the door is unlocked, please enter the building and sign in with the school safety agent in the lobby. 
  • Please Note: Identification is required to enter the building.